

Known since the ancient times, Nafpaktos was the port and the military center of the Aetolian Confederacy. Due to its strategic position, it has often been the apple of discord among its conquerors.

Known since the ancient times, Nafpaktos was the port and the military center of the Aetolian Confederacy. Due to its strategic position, it has often been the apple of discord among its conquerors. Nafpaktos is also known for the famous sea battle, during which the Turkish fleet was destroyed by the unified European forces (in October 1571). Miguel de Cervantes, the author of “Don Quixote”, took part in this battle as a soldier on a Spanish ship. Nafpaktos participated in the Revolution of 1821 and was liberated in 1829. Built between Antirrio and the mouth of the river Mornos, Nafpaktos is the most beautiful town of the district of Aitoloakarnania. Its idyllic beaches face the Corinthian gulf; its mountain attractiveness encompasses Nafpaktia; its rich history is reflected on two fabulous monuments, the Venetian castle and the Venetian port. The first things that strike visitors in Nafpaktos are its comfortable plane-shaded roads, its traditional buildings, and its people of all ages enjoying the sun in open-air restaurants and cafés, often by the sea. Start strolling around the cobbled streets with the naval houses and the well-preserved mansions. Bougainvillaeas climb on the stone walls and flowers fill the neighbourhoods with welcoming colours and aromas. Strong again and no more hungry, you can climb up the castle, one of the best-preserved castles in five landings, whose story dates back in the Ancient times. The Venetians used to call its top “the triple tiara of Lepanto”. Stand there to marvel at the imposing view of the town and the port, dominated by the cable Rio-Antirrio bridge on the horizon. Your attention will also be drawn by the chapel of Profitis Elias (11th century) the tower clock, as well as the remnants of the ottoman bath. Leave Nafpaktos at night, when its lights will be flickering on the quiet waters.

Where to head next?

Keep exploring the best of Greece! After Nafpaktos, the top destinations to visit are Delfi, Patra, and Olympia.

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