

Pyrgos is a city in the northwestern Peloponnese, which is the capital of the Prefecture of Ilia.

Pyrgos is a city in the northwestern Peloponnese, which is the capital of the Prefecture of Ilia. In 1997, the Olympia International Film Festival for Children and Young People was founded, which operates to this day. Since then it has been an important cultural event for young and old. The proximity to Ancient Olympia as well as the possibility of docking cruise ships at the port of Pyrgos, Katakolo, contributes significantly to the development of tourism. Well-known beaches in the wider area are the beach of Leventohori, Skafidia, Agios Andreas, Spiatza and Agios Ilias.

Where to head next?

Keep exploring the best of Greece! After Pyrgos, the top destinations to visit are Olympia, and Nafplion.

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